Search Results
[YALES2] LES of two aligned wind-turbine in a wind tunnel
[YALES2] LES of a Wind Turbine in two different wind conditions (30° yaw vs direct wind)
[YALES2] High fidelity LES of yawed DTU10MW wind turbine under turbulent/non-turbulent inflows
[YALES2] LES of yawed NREL5MW wind turbine with tower and nacelle
[YALES2] Vertical Axis Turbine Simulation
Johan Meyers - Towards LES-based optimal control of wind farms
Wind Tunnel Tests on 1/75 scale model of the DTU 10 MW Wind Turbine
[YALES2] 2021 Season Greetings
H2020 CL-Windcon - Wind tunnel testing of wind farm control strategies
[YALES2] LES of the CRSB Burner
[YALES2] 2D_cyl_swapping_smoothing.avi